Rent your prepaid Minecraft server now. online immediately!

With us you get the best server for the best price without compromise!

register now for free

The future of Mincraft Server

Your easy, smart & secure way to your own server.

Immediately Online

Server online in just 2 minutes & get started immediately!


You can expand the memory & performance at any time.

Setup & Administration

Easy setup & administration of your server.

Prepaid service

100% prepaid no hidden costs & fees guaranteed!

Environmentally friendly

We use 100% green electricity for your server!

24/7 support

Get free 24/7 support from our support team.

So easy to server!

We try to make everything as easy as possible for you. That's why everything is included with us!


Or use Login with Google or Steam.

order & pay

Order and pay online securely.

Server Online

Your server will be online in 2 minutes and you can start playing immediately!


Something for everyone!

Easy selection & prices no hidden costs 100% prepaid.


start cheap!

instead of 2.99 €

1.00 €

Term: 1 month

1 GB Ram

unlimited Slots

unlimited Mapspace

premium support



For small groups

instead of 35.99 €

10.79 €

Runtime: 1 month

12 GB Ram

unlimited Slots

unlimited Mapspace

premium support


Unlimited Possibilities

instead of 95.99 €

28.79 €

runtime: 1 month

32 GB Ram

unlimited Slots

unlimited Mapspace

premium support

What our customers say

Here is an excerpt from our customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

No all Minecraftdealer services are 100% prepaid.

If you don't want the server anymore you just don't pay.


The order is possible under 18, if your parents agree.

Primarily you need for the payment means which are from 18 years, we assume therefore that your parents agree if you have such a means of payment.


After payment it takes 2 minutes until the server is online no matter what time.

So you can order even on weekends or in the middle of the night our system is fully automatic and unlocks the your server.

You have more questions?

Contact us